"In our day to day actions, it is often the small and simple things that will have a long-lasting impact. What we say, how we act, and how we choose to react will influence not only ourselves but also those around us. We can build up, or we can tear down." -Per G. Malm

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Night Out

Sunday at Andy C.'s open house I saw some of our old friends from the singles branch. They were going to see Harry Potter and asked me to come along. It was a late, but fun night. There were three hilarious conversations that stood out in my mind.

1. When one of my friends arrived at our apartment some of the white trash/gangsters that sit in their SUV for reasons unknown to the world "moo-ed" at my friend. (That's not the funny part). She then looks at him and says "well aren't you the smartest animal in the barnyard." I had to laugh. I would never have thought of anything that witty. I would have just been mortified and consoled myself with something chocolate.

2. We are driving to the movie theatre when driving friend says I just recently got the Book of Mormon on CD so now I can listen to it while driving. Barnyard friend says "Can I burn that?" Laughter ensues. Isn't that funny. Lets break the law to burn the BoM.

3. While standing in the concession line( well, more off to the side while waiting for the others) I say to driver friend are you getting anything? She responds with "no, I have the junior mints you gave me." HELLO! Why don't you just announce to everyone that we smuggled in $1 candy from Wal-Mart.

Were they hilarious stories? Maybe not to you. But I was there and it was 10:30 at night and I'd been up since 5:00. They were to me. And it is things like this that make me love my friends.


Deb said...

I agree they were funny.

emily said...

Haha! They are funny. And you're funny too!

Shanna said...

That is WAY to funny. I had to stop myself from laughing out loud because Hugh is sleeping.