"In our day to day actions, it is often the small and simple things that will have a long-lasting impact. What we say, how we act, and how we choose to react will influence not only ourselves but also those around us. We can build up, or we can tear down." -Per G. Malm

Friday, April 2, 2010

Family Home Evenings

There are times I wonder why we even have FHE. It is like those days you go to church and are wondering why you bothered to come since you heard absolutely nothing. Well tonight was one of those nights. It started off well enough. We had a coupon for a FREE pizza at Papa J's and got to order out. (YEAH. I didn't have to dirty my clean kitchen). Brock had treat tonight and he wanted to make Rice Crispies Easter Eggs. (What was that about a clean kitchen???) I must say though he did the clean up. We dipped some of them in melted chocolate chips and some in sprinkles. Emily loves sprinkles. On the rare occasion we get donuts she always wants a sprinkles one. Then she eats off the sprinkles and leaves 3/4 of the donut.

After we made our treat we had our lesson while they "set up". It was the Easter lesson we made at this last Relief Society Meeting, the one with the eggs. I hid the eggs and then Emily found them and then we opened them one by one doing the lesson with it. All Emily did was keep asking about the eadible eggs, and take eggs away from Meghan. Meghan screamed and tantrumed the entire time because she kept getting eggs taken away from her. During closing prayer Meghan screamed the entire time because the eggs got put away and Emily cried too although I have no idea why. Finally I took the baby straight to bed and Emily went straight to the kitchen. Oh well there is always next Easter. I did have to laugh at the whole thing though, through clenched teeth of frustration. I am sure the spirit was there....somewhere.

1 comment:

Sara and the Boys said...

I think we did the same thing you did for family home evening and we had the same problem and Landon is 5. I asked him why we celebrate easter and he said because it is fun! It took me all of FHE to finally get him to understand why we really do. Eventhough it didn't turn out so well I am going to do it again next year and so on. I think we all get brownie points for trying:)