"In our day to day actions, it is often the small and simple things that will have a long-lasting impact. What we say, how we act, and how we choose to react will influence not only ourselves but also those around us. We can build up, or we can tear down." -Per G. Malm

Thursday, April 1, 2010


I am amazed at the conversations I have with my child. The last couple of days we have very much enjoyed going on stroller walks. On one particular outing Emily began talking about going swimming. She says " we can take off our shirts and go swimming." I say well girls have to wear swimsuits so they can be modest. Boys can wear swim trunks with out their shirts." She says "why?" After much thought on how to answer this and not quite sure how, I say, " girls have breasts that they need to cover so they can be modest. That is why they wear swimsuits. Boys don't need to." Emily says, "dad has small breasts" (By the way in defense of my husband he does NOT have man boobs, but to a 3 year old he has breasts). She then says "when I get older mine will get big like yours mom." I end with,"yeah that's right honey, look! A squirrel."

Today while looking at houses with Grandma..... " mom it stinks it here. It smells like a museum."
How does she know what a museum smells like? The only one she's ever been in was the history museum at Christmas time and that house didn't smell like gingerbread.

1 comment:

Shanna said...

I have so been down that road with Katie and we are still battling it. Although she was pulling at her "breasts" and I asked her what she was doing and told her to stop. And she asked when was she going to have boobs like me. I said when she got older. She proceeded to ask more so I told her we would discuss it when she was 12. And she said "How about 13?" Even better!!!