"In our day to day actions, it is often the small and simple things that will have a long-lasting impact. What we say, how we act, and how we choose to react will influence not only ourselves but also those around us. We can build up, or we can tear down." -Per G. Malm

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Nature vs. Technology

So last night during that crazy wicked cool Thunderstorm I learned that nature is truly more powerful than technology. I am laying in bed trying to sleep and a HUGE clap of thunder hits and I hear these sirens go off. I freak out and grab some clothes to throw on so I can grab Emily out of her crib and hide out in the bathroom because I thought what I heard were tornado sirens. I look out to see if I can see a twister and realize that the thunder had been so powerful that it had set off a car alarm in our complex. Crazy huh and it happened a couple of times after that. Pretty amazing!

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